Designed for Professionals
The ProPlates Difference
Whether you're shooting interviews for a documentary or host intros for a TV show, shooting for chroma key can be an effective,efficient way to get great production value and flexibility, while saving time and money in the production phase. Many times, finding believable, realistic
chroma key video background plates for your shot is difficult. Cheesy, poorly executed 3D sets, abstract 2D motion backgrounds and blurred out still photos
just aren't good options when you're trying to deliver a profession end-result. Check out what makes ProPlates,
chroma key video background plates different from the rest!
Mulitple Angles
Our ProDeluxe background plates include multiple angles / focal lengths to give you options in the edit. Cut in to a tight shot without having to fake a new angle with your background. This example background plate has 2 camera angles shot at two different focal lengths. The result is two shots that look different and cut perfectly. You can’t create the same effect by zooming in on a wider background to create a tighter shot.

Matching Plates
The details matter when you’re trying to create a composite shot that looks natural and believable. This shot consists of 2 elements, a foreground shot and a background plate. Both were shot at with the same focal length, focus distance and camera orientation (tilt angle). We lit the foreground shot to match the background plate. The result is a convincing looking composite shot. This is the kind of composites you’ll get, using ProPlates chroma key video background plates.
In Depth
More detailed information on ProPlates chroma key / green screen backgrounds…
Checklist for Great Composite
The Background Plate
- Note focal length, focus distance and shot composition from plate details.
- Observe the implied lighting in the plate. Is it backlit?
Flatly lit due to overcast skies? Which direction is the lighting motivated from?
Chroma Key Source Shot
- Light the green screen as evenly as possible for best key.
- Reproduce subject to camera distance, focal length and shot composition from plate details.
- Light talent to best replicate the implied lighting from plate.
Bringing it Together / The Composite
- ProPlates have several aperture options. Select a realistic looking aperture. Too much or too little defocus can make your composite unbelievable looking. Remember, the tighter the shot, the softer the background will normally appear.
- Composite with your favorite editor or effects software package.
- Color correct source and plate clips to match contrast, color cast and saturation.
- A little ‘lightwrap’ around the edges of your subject can go a long way towards selling the effect.
Chroma Key Video Background Plates – Tech Details
High End Acquisition
ProPlates Chroma Key Video Background Plates are captured on cameras with super35 sized sensors. They are all recorded in high-bitrate 4:2:2 codecs. We put a lot of work into making sure you can use these background plates in professional video applications and our backgrounds won’t be the weak link in your production.
Matching Background and Foreground
You can utilize the data we collect when shooting ProPlates for an exact foreground / background match to get the best possible composite results. Match our shot details to your source footage by having the same focal length, focus distance and shot compositions. This is the best method for realistic framing and lens angle and all the numbers (focal length, distance, etc) should all match up very nicely, as long as you’re using a camera system with a super35 sized sensor, whether it be actual 35mm film, RED 5k, Canon C300, Sony FS7 or even ARRI Alexa. An 85mm lens at 8 feet should give you about the same shot on any of these cameras. Subtle variations in S35 sensor sizes won’t be enough to create an unrealistic look difference between foreground and appropriate background depth of field and angle of view.
Our video background plates are completely compatible with camera systems with different sensors sizes. APS-C sized DSLR cameras like the Canon 7d have a sensor very close in size to S35. Because the slightly smaller APS-C sensor creates a little more of a crop factor in the recorded image, the camera will need to be slightly farther away to create the same shot composition as a S35 sensor would. The increase in distance would create a slightly more in-focus background. Aesthetically, using any of our backgrounds in a direct focal length match (i.e. 50mm to 50mm) on an APS-C camera will look great, but if the depth of field is a little shallow for your taste, just select a background that is 1 f-stop higher. All of our ProPlate backgrounds include multiple apertures so you can select a background with the amount of de-focus that you want.
One of the great advantages to shooting interviews using ProPlates is that no matter what the sensor size of the camera you’re using, you can get the beautiful 35mm depth of field look. When shooting source footage on cameras that have sensors that are smaller (1/3″) or larger (Full Frame 35mm) than the S35 sensor, you simply need to match (or get close to) the field of view of the lens you’re shooting with or the distance from subject to camera and then the framing desired. The focal lengths listed in the ProPlates details are for a 35mm lens system. 1/3″, 1/2″ and 2/3″ broadcast lenses will have a different focal length for the same lens angle. Don’t worry about matching the lenses by mm in this case, just match distance to subject and shot composition.